6 Steps to Find Ideal Clients for Your Bookkeeping Business
· Do you want or need new clients?
· Are you chasing prospects but not catching them?
· Are you ready to bring in new ideal clients to grow your business?
These are the 6 foundational steps you need to grow your business with consistency and acquire as many new clients as you want. You can take the 6 Basic Elements and apply them to your bookkeeping business if you are just starting out or if you have a business that just wants more ideal clients.
First, it is necessary to tear down some myths that many people believe which prevents you from having success with these 6 basic elements of success.
Myth 1: You need to do cold calling to find new clients
Myth 2: You need to have a marketing degree
Myth 3: It’s all too complicated
Recognize that these myths are not true. Success flows from following a carefully designed 6 step process that can radically change the growth profile of any bookkeeping business.
Step 1: The Mind Shift
No more chasing prospects. Have them chase you instead. When you do this, you are the one to choose clients rather than trying to convince them to choose you. With this change in mindset, you become the chased. The power that comes from this change in thinking lets you select only the ideal clients you want to serve.
Step 2: Define Your Chosen Niche
Is there a particular segment of the population that you enjoy working with? Use the answer to lead you into selecting that niche. Next become the expert in that niche so potential clients know you are the one to turn to. Become known as the one with the answers. A generalist going after any client will not be as successful.
You must be seen everywhere in that niche. This means you will go to conventions and trade shows to learn the unique vocabulary of your ideal clients. You become the expert person in that niche that people talk about because you are both helpful and knowledgeable. You may want to produce articles in their trade publications and related blogs to prove your great insight into your chosen niche. As you become the go-to person, you will pick up the nomenclature, buzz words, and acronyms used by your ideal client. This will show that you can be trusted in your future conversations with new prospects.
Step 3: Define Your Ideal Client
· Build a profile of your ideal client This is known as your avatar in marketing parlance. Consider more than just demographics. Psychographics are considered to be more significant than the demographics for this step
· Build a definition of the avatar so you can articulate why that person is your ideal client.
· Discover what your avatar really wants. This is only discoverable after you begin digging deep. Continually say, yes, but why?
Step 4: Develop Your Lead Generation Process
· Define your uniqueness and stress your expertise for the niche you have selected.
· Provide overwhelming evidence that you should be listened to — you are the expert.
· Use Facebook ads to attract your avatar.
· Ads must have a strong headline or hook.
· Present a story with emotional appeal.
· Use compelling image(s) but video is better.
· Offer something of overwhelming value in exchange for the client’s name, phone number, and email. (better response rates are achieved by only asking for first name and email.)
· Test three each: Headline, Image, and Text. Minimize the amount you will spend on these test ads. Use the best from the test then increase your ad expenditure.
Step 5: Require an Application
· Craft the questions on the application such that the required answers will allow you to discover if the lead could be an ideal client
· On-board only those who meet your criteria
· Respond to all who submitted the application, conditions and people change.
· Send reminder emails to those that did not fill out the application. They may have been on vacation or faced other distractions.
· Keep the email list for future use.
Step 6: Establish a Retention and Referral System
Consistently offer something of value each month using newsletters with coupons to generate interest and give value to your loyal clients. Create interesting success stories about your client’s achievements from implementing your advice. Make it light and friendly with cartoons, jokes, and witty sayings.
May you have phenomenal success in your bookkeeping business.
For more information on how to Find Ideal Clients Click Here. If you have questions on this post, send an email to info@findidealclients.com